Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Wedding Dress - The Saga Begins

As I mentioned in another post,
my son, Sam, and his girlfriend, Bobbie,
have decided to tie the knot for eternity.
She has done me the honor of
turning a pile of white satin and lace
for her special day.

No small task.

She has chosen this as the basis of your dream dress.

It is beautiful, to say the least.
The style and cut are perfect for her.
She will look like a princess, for sure.

Now the journey begins.

I'd like to share this journey if I may.
Perhaps along the way
I can share what I learn

The first dilemma with a dress like this is
the pattern.
It doesn't exist.
At all.
No where.
So, that leaves me with a couple of options.
1. Take two or more patterns (bodice, sleeve and skirt) and combine them.
I've tried this method before.  This has worked okay for me in the past.
2.  Draft the pattern from scratch.
Not for the faint hearted and certainly a challenge.

I'm flip-flopping between the two methods and am leaning towards
drafting it from scratch.
I'm a glutton for punishment?
Have nothing else to do with my life?
(okay, crazy probably apples here)
Intuitively, as a seamstress,
I'm thinking this is the best method for this dress
and this girl.
It's not that I don't have any experience with this method, mind you.
I was a clothing and textile major in college
and have some pattern drafting experience.

But it has been years.

I've researched a few sites online for helps.
I finally ordered a book at Amazon to guide me.

It's due to arrive this Friday.

Darn, if I'm not excited!

Sew Happy,


  1. WOW!!! This sounds like a monumental task... But I guess that's because I'm planning my own wedding right now and just finding a dress I like is difficult... Much less than finding a pattern or DESIGNING a pattern for one. Good luck!!! Can't wait to hear more!

  2. Hi suzie..i'm from malaysia..i enjoy reading your blog..i also preparing my own wedding dress actually..i hope your blog will help me much to complete my diy wedding dress journey..


  3. Thanks hazy. I, too, hope that I can help you. Feel free to ask questions. I've made several gowns and each has been a true learning experience. Good luck on yours!


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